Working to get young people heard: launch of our research study on youth views on post-war recovery

Our team has begun work on a research study to engage young people in conversations about the sustainable post-war recovery. We are inviting youth who are already active in civil society in a range of organisations and initiatives, by inviting them to interviews about how they see the recovery of Ukraine and how they understand the concept of a green recovery. This will ensure a participative element, just like we know is needed for a just transition.

We hope to show that Ukraine's youth is not alone in its hope and ambition for a better future, as young people in other countries affected by russian aggression want to be a part of such change too. This means we will interview both young people from Ukraine, as well as Moldova, Belarus and Sakartvelo.

We will update our progress in September 2024 through our media partnership project. We hope this will start a conversation not just among the youth but also across generations, since civil society should have the chance to understand the opportunities of a green recovery even during war, as government planning for recovery is already under way. The publication will cover the most urgent topics of a just transition like energy resilience, food security and ecocide prevention, as well as social protection for workers.